Thursday, July 28, 2011

Zevia Ginger Root Beer

I have been checking this root beer out for quite some time. It is practically in every grocery store I visit, but the price on this baby is out of this world. I think the cost is over $6 for a 4 pack or a 6 pack. While I guess that is only about $1 a can, I normally don't like to pay that much for a canned root beer, and especially a canned root beer that looks like it's going to taste gross. I was lucky to find an individual can at Whole Foods the other day - so one and done baby!

Enough about cost . . . what makes this brew so unique is that it is a diet soda without actually being diet. It has no artificial sweetners and yet has zero calories!! Zevia uses a combination of stevia and Erythritol to sweeten the beverage. The interesting part is that even though there are no artificial sweetners - it still tastes a little like a diet beverage. Don't ask me how they do it - it just does.
But with that being said - I would drink this on occassion instead of a regular diet root beer. Hey - it is all natural, no calories, no cancer causing diet ingredients (well . . . at this moment stevia has not been shown to cause cancer, but give it a few years and I'm sure it will be labeled as a carcinogen), and the taste is okay. This isn't going to win any awards, but I'm sure it will be followed by a host of organic, all-natural type people who love this ginger flavored brew.

As far as the professor goes . . .I'm still undecided - my first couple of sips weren't too goodbut by the middle of the can it got pretty good. But now as I'm finishing the last couple of sips I think it is giving me a headache.

I give this brew a C -

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